I was just shy of my fourth birthday when I was diagnosed with a brain tumour. Little did I know that that brain tumour was just the beginning.
I was blessed with a fantastic surgical team who were able to take the tumour out successfully.
Knowing me though, things never go as planned. So, during the operation to remove my brain tumour I had a blood vessel spasm which triggered a stroke. That stroke left me with permanent weakness on one side of my body. But I'm not telling you that to make you feel sorry for me; I'm telling you so you can start to understand my challenges and what I have been through.
After my brain tumour and stroke I spent six weeks in the hospital recovering and then I was transferred to a rehabilitation center where I had to re-train my body and brain how to stand, sit, eat, walk and talk. I even attended kindergarten at the rehabilitation center. In rehab I learned the definition of work and what it means to fight. I was in different types of therapy multiple times a day for six months. Yes, there were times I cried and wanted to give up. Those times, when I was too tired to keep going made me the resilient, determined and courageous person I am today.
